1. 南宫NG·28(中国)相信品牌力量有限公司

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      On the afternoon of May 5th, the 6th Second Member Congress and Second Board of Directors Meeting of the Beijing Port Association was held at the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi New Pavilion).
      During this special period, nearly 300 tons of tents and other rescue materials have been released from the Hongyuan export assembly warehouse after inspection and operation
      Strengthen the implementation of safety responsibilities, consolidate the foundation of fire prevention and control, and strive to ensure stable and safe production.

      铸造宏色经典 | 南宫28控股集团党总支被授予顺义区非公企业党组织示范点荣誉

      近日,南宫28控股集团有限公司党总支被授予“ 顺义区非公企业党组织示范点”荣誉。此次获评荣誉,既是鼓励,又是鞭策,既是区委组织部对公司党建工作的充分肯定,同时也浸透着对南宫28党建工作的大力支持和殷切的期望,标志着公司党建工作要向更高标杆看齐、向更高目标迈进。

      预防为主,生命至上| 南宫28举办消防安全月系列宣传培训活动


      心往一处想、劲往一处使 | 南宫28北京区域2023年度拔河比赛圆满举办



      Forge ahead hand in hand and build achievements together